We are very pleased with the popularity of Idaho LAUNCH and the number of Idahoans that the program has been able to assist. With that, we have exhausted the funding for Idaho LAUNCH for the remainder of this fiscal year. Please check back on August 15, 2024, to apply for Idaho LAUNCH Training Funds. 


Adult/Dislocated Worker 

Programs for adults and dislocated workers are offered by Equus Workforce Solutions at https://www.equusidaho.com/orientation   

Equus provides innovative solutions for Idaho workforce needs, connects career seekers with employers and helps bridge education and workforce. Their goal is to support Idaho communities in reaching economic success. 


If you are between the ages of 16-24, submit this form and we’ll link you with a career counselor who can connect you with a job, paid work experience, an apprenticeship, or money for training and education. 



If you haven’t already, please take a minute to register with Idaho Works. This will help your career planner serve you faster.